Tuesday, February 20, 2007
It's not FATE Assh*le... it's you.
"Ok... for most people who know me - I'm not a huge fan of the word
"Fate" - espeicially lately (I was recently told by my a-hole
ex-girlfriend of 9 months that, FATE will work things out).
I tend to shy away from phrases such as, "Things happen for a reason"
- because, well... everything happens for a reason - it's called cause
and effect. If you sit around waiting for "reason" - then you aren't
acting on your life or taking responsibility for the "reason" things
happened. If something happens - you are most likely directly the
reason for it in your life. If something happens, good or bad, it's
not fate - it's your action - or lack of action.
So tonight - we are going to talk about the "F" word... Fate... with a
capital F.
Fate is considered - by most - to be a divine arrow that leads you
through a pre-determined destiny. By believing in Fate - you agree you
have no control over your actions or life - that it is guided by
something out of your control. If you believe in Fate - then you have
to agree with these terms. I am not making this shit up.
Myself - I think I am in total control of the right and wrong choices
I make in my life. It's my fault - no one else's... no divine power
getting a laugh of things... if I screw up - it's my fault. If I win
at a hand of cards - it was either because I was smart or lucky. Fate
is an exuse for assholes.
Now... most would argue, "Eric - can you disprove Fate? How are you
sooooo much smarter than the 95% of people who believe in Fate?"
The truth is. I'm not. And they are not wrong to believe. I have no
scientific evidence that proves people wrong... just as their faith
has nothing to back up their claim. The only difference is that I take
responsibility for what happens in my life and refuse to blame (or
bless) Fate. Assholes seem to have an excuse in the "F" word.
I have been told, "If fate means we will be together - we will." To
this I say, "ok... fuck that... I am going to try my damnest to create
my own Fate - and if I fail - it wasn't "meant to be" because I failed
(or the other asshole left it up to Fate and didn't try hard enough).
My point is - don't wait for Fate to save you - save yourself. If you
think being passive is the right way to live because it's easy to
believe "Fate will show you the way...." fine... you have one shot at
life... glad to see Fate is your only bullet. I prefer six loaded
chambers of choice.
I just hope the next time you say/think, "Everything happens for a
reason," you take the time to ask youself, "What if I decided to take
control of my own 'Fate' and try to make an improvement."
So please - do me a favor assholes and never use the "F" word around
me - it's offensive. Oh yeah - I wish my "ex-asshole" all the best and
hope happiness is in her "Fate." And I truly mean it. I'm not an
asshole after all...."
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Assh*les in the sky and behind the counter...
Take it easy on the poor guy, will ya?
...and another!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Assh*le Security
A few weeks ago, I called a security company to get an estimate for a home security system.
Well, the security system was far more expensive than the advertised price. Several days later, I received a phone call from the sales person. I politely declined the offer and told the sales person we would not be installing a security system in our home. The following day, the sales person called again; and I declined the offer. A few hours after my second decline, the sales person called my wife’s cell phone (A number I gave them in case of emergency). The sales person left a message on my wife’s phone asking “What was the best day for the security system installation they need to schedule?”
I’ve seen kids do this to their parents...
In fact, I did when I was 4 and desperate for another dessert!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Paging Dr. Assh*le
NY and Company Assh*le
Checkout Line Assh*le
Voice Mail Assh*le
What an assh*le!
I have an important issue that I feel needs to be addressed and I figured what better way to do it than to start a blog.
Lately I've been feeling as if general assholery is on the rise. I can't quite place why or sense any sort of real pattern to it, but whether it's on the road, on the sidewalk, in line at the bank, or yes (gasp!) even on the Internet, it seems like you can't turn left these days without getting a shitstain on your sleeve. I want to start a blog where people submit stories about everyday encounters with such puckered pricks, and call it "The Assh*le Report." It's something I know I'd get a laugh out of reading, and I'm hoping that by pointing out the absurdity of such ridiculous behavior we can turn those initially frustrating encounters into something entertaining for all.
So there's the pitch. Send your favorite assh*ole stories to "aholereport@gmail.com" and let's have some fun calling these assh*les out!